Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A trip to Superstore and the resulting epiphany

This weekend David and I were walking into Superstore and another couple sped in front of us to go in the doors. The reason they "sped" is because the female half of the pair was really tall and her legs naturally carried her really fast. I mean, she must have been six foot six or something.

I looked at David with wide eyes. He made an "ew" face because let’s just say the woman’s clothes weren’t exactly flattering. (She had on the mom shorts jacked up to here and I think there was even a fanny pack involved.)

Me (whispering): "She’s really tall!"

David (looking from me to her): "I think you’ve got her beat, babe."

Me: "No way!"

David: "Yeah, by about an inch or so."

Me: ........... (at a loss for words)

And that was the epiphany. Truly, it was. I finally realized how out of the ordinary I look in a crowd. (One of these things is not like the other...)

After a short bout of shock, David calmed me down by mentioning that particular tall woman closely resembled a "behemoth" and I looked nothing like her.

Nevertheless, the Superstore trip will forever be burned in my brain:

  • Her long, droopy bum
  • Her ill-fitting clothes
  • Her stick-like appendages that were so long they looked like they were too far from her torso for her body to control and they just hung along for the ride
  • My realization that no matter how tall she looked, I look taller.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Unorganized thoughts about Toronto from a girl raised in McMurray

Looking out my hotel window, I spot Penelope Cruz putting on mascara, a buff, shirtless guy sitting beside a snowy mountain range and a very large silhouette of a hip hop dancer wearing an iPod. Standing at the airport baggage carousel, a very large live image is projected on the two-storey sized wall near me. On the airport shuttle bus on the way downtown, there are never-ending billboards flying past at 120 km/hr. Even the strip of grass along the freeway is cut and shaped into logos for banks, stores… the United Way??

A presenter in the conference I attended said that North Americans are bombarded by 5,000 images and brands daily. That is true. If you live in Toronto.

There are over 200 restaurants within a three block radius of my hotel. That is just cool. Last night I only walked one block and couldn’t make up my mind so I chose the very last restaurant on the block and scored the best butter chicken takeout I’ve ever had. And only for $18! I can’t help but wonder if this could compete with the other Indian food place I passed a half a block ago.

When the sun sets through the smog, an eerie orange-pink light settles over the city. The orange palm tree lights illuminate at the Hooters on the corner, and – hey! Another silhouetted dancer with an iPod!

I was embarrassed to admit there was a bad odour following me around the whole time I was in Toronto. Then I realized the garbage-like smell was actually the smog. Yuck.

The Muchmusic building looks much smaller in real life. And Queen Street is way skinnier than even Franklin Avenue. The city builders must have decided one thoroughfare through downtown was no longer meeting the traffic needs, so they built a freeway right over top of it. Literally, on top of it, like held up by pillars. It seems so futuristic to me.

Maybe I’m some small-town hick from the west; Toronto was a cool place to gape at for a couple days and eat some good food, but I would probably not live there. When I got back to Fort McMurray, I sucked the fresh summery smell into my lungs like I never have before and appreciated it more than I can put into words.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I finally understand why moms have such big purses

When I started my job last August, my mom handed me a monster-sized purse. She said, "I bought this but I haven’t used it yet, so you can have it for your new job." I laughed SO hard. Why would I ever want/need/use a purse that large?

In fear of hurting her feelings any more than I already had by laughing, I started using the purse. Once I found out how much stuff it could hold, I never looked back! I finally understand why moms carry such large purses – because they hold all the shit they have to take with them, plus a bunch of other shit that they might end up needing that day.

To demonstrate the awesome handiness of my mom purse, I will now list the current contents:

  • Salad for lunch
  • Bottle of salad dressing
  • Container of grapes
  • Two cans of Fresca
  • Travel coffee mug (the large size)
  • Wallet
  • Phone
  • Perfume
  • A necklace
  • Notepad
  • Chequebook
  • Various papers
  • Compact (the large kind)
  • Lip gloss and lip stick
  • Hand cream
  • Deodorant
  • Lint roller
Honestly, a lint roller?? I only use it like five times a year. But if I need it today, I will have it.

I should also mention there is room left in my purse for at least one more salad, or perhaps a jar of peanut butter.

Imagine how big my purse will be when I actually have kids?